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Best Dad Jokes

These are best dad jokes that will also make you laugh 'til you drop...   1. “My dad and I were checking out at the store when the checker asked him if he wanted paper or plastic. He responded, ‘Either, I’m bisacktual.’” —Rachel Gunther, Facebook 2. “My mom — after getting dressed to go out — asked my dad, ‘How do I look?’ He replied, ‘With your eyes.’” 3. “Did you see they made round bails of hay illegal in Wisconsin? It’s because the cows weren’t getting a square meal.”   —Barry Hansen, Facebook 4. “When my dad emerged from a lengthy trip to the toilet I asked, ‘Did you spray?’ (as in did he spray the air freshener). His response? ‘Nah, it was solid.’” 5. “At a restaurant the waitress asked my husband if he’d like soup or salad. He responded, ‘I don’t want a SUPER salad, I want a regular salad.’” 6. “Whenever I ask my dad if he’s all right he replies, ‘No, I’m half left.’” 7. “What did the horse say after it tripped? ‘Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup.