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Showing posts with the label tools

Protect Yourself from Computer Viruses

Want to know how to protect yourself from computer viruses? The internet is a great technology where you can do a lot of things, but a lot problems can also be encountered.  Some of them are: identity theft, fraud, and maybe the largest most problematic is the epidemic of computer viruses that are wreaking havoc. These viruses are different scripts (if you can call them that) written for purposes of destruction. It is the classic "minority of trouble makers ruining it for the vast majority of the rest of us." So what sorts of viruses do we worry about and how can you protect yourself from computer viruses? Different types of computer viruses. Well, there are all sorts of different kinds of virus-type things traveling around in cyber space and require the protection of an anti virus tool. Examples include worms, spiders, spyware, and adware. They have a variety of effects ranging from pure destruction to actually taking sensitive information off of a computer's ha

When buying 2 Way Radios

If you are in the market for 2 way radios for personal use, you have an immediate and important choice to make: What radio frequency band do you require when buying 2 way radios? Frequency Considerations for Recreational 2 Way Radios Frequency! 2 way radios obviously utilize 'wireless' communication methods so when using a 2 way radio you are transmitting and sending your message through the air -- the same air that is currently carrying television signals, commercial radio signals, Ham radio signals and literally thousands of signals from other private 2 way radios. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has the job of controlling all of these communication signals so they don't run into each other; to accomplish this they have reserved frequency bands for use by certain types of communication (signal sending) devices. There are two frequency bands in use for recreational 2 way radios, these are called Family Radio Service (FRS) and General Mobile Radio Service