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Showing posts with the label tips

Protect Yourself from Computer Viruses

Want to know how to protect yourself from computer viruses? The internet is a great technology where you can do a lot of things, but a lot problems can also be encountered.  Some of them are: identity theft, fraud, and maybe the largest most problematic is the epidemic of computer viruses that are wreaking havoc. These viruses are different scripts (if you can call them that) written for purposes of destruction. It is the classic "minority of trouble makers ruining it for the vast majority of the rest of us." So what sorts of viruses do we worry about and how can you protect yourself from computer viruses? Different types of computer viruses. Well, there are all sorts of different kinds of virus-type things traveling around in cyber space and require the protection of an anti virus tool. Examples include worms, spiders, spyware, and adware. They have a variety of effects ranging from pure destruction to actually taking sensitive information off of a computer's ha

What to do against annoying E-Mail Problems

Want to know what to do against annoying e-mail problems? Communicating through e-mail is one of the advancement of technology that we could use for our advantage.  Through this, we could stay in touch even with family, friends and business associates remotely, fast and conveniently. But like many other things, e-mail is not without problems.  If you key in the name of an intended recipient but your message keeps bouncing back, you might not be singing e-mail's praises.  Ditto for attachments that won't open or other such nuisances.  With just a little patience, though, you can readily overcome most e-mail problems.  What follows are 4 common e-mail problems along with solutions for overcoming them. Problem – Returned Messages This may be the most frustrating of all e-mail problems.  After taking the time to create a message, you click on the “send” button and consider your task accomplished.  But the next thing you know, the message pops up in your in-box with a hea