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How to keep your mouth healthy

It is a challenge on how to keep your mouth healthy. Step up and treat your taste buds to healthy, wholesome food. According to the Department of Health (DOH), 87.4% of Filipino people suffer from tooth decay, putting the country far behind other countries in the Western Pacific region when it comes to dental health. Eduardo Janairo, a director at the DOH for the National Capital Region, said tooth decay and periodontal diseases are the two most common health problems in the Philippines today. We all know that brushing your teeth and visiting your dentist regularly help keep your teeth healthy, but did you know that you can further boost your oral health by eating the right foods? Here are some things you should know and love, that not only taste great, but are also packed with wholesome goodness on how to keep your mouth healthy. Oily Fish Love your Sinanglay ? Fish that are rich in oils like Sardine and Tilapia are an excellent source of phosphorus and protein, whic