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How to play badminton: A step by step guide for beginners

On this post, you will know  How to play badminton: A step by step guide for beginners. One of the appealing aspects of this sport is how simple it is to learn but difficult to master. This is only true if you have a genuine mentor who can provide you with a roadmap for getting started, thus for all you beginners, I've produced this step-by-step instruction on how to play badminton. So how do you start? Learn how to hold a racket Get knowledge about rules of badminton Build strength in your wrist by wall practice Learn different types of shots Build a fitness foundation Teach yourself footwork Know different tactics Train your mentality Starting a new thing is always an exciting task but as you follow through that journey , you will come to realize that every thing require hard work and most importantly patience ,if your start is wrong , you are going to face problem so read these step carefully. Master the Basics Badminton is played indoor Sometimes you may have seen people playin