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How to cure your body naturally

Here's a better way how to cure your body naturally: Asthma: You can cure your asthma using onions.  Because eating onions eases bronchial tube's constriction. Arthritis: Get relief from arthritis using turmeric which is a potent anti-inflammatory. Bladder infections: Cranberries prevent bacteria from adhering to walls of your bladder. Blood pressure: You can take celery to lower your blood pressure.  Celery contains phtalides which help lower blood pressure and cure your body naturally. Blood sugar: Broccoli's Chromium content helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. Bones/ Osteoporosis: Pineapple is a delicious way to prevent bone fractures and osteoporosis. Breast cancer: Maintain healthy estrogen levels and fight breast cancer by taking in cabbage. Clogged arteries: Eat avocados where mono-unsaturated fat lower blood cholesterol. Cough: Get relief from tough cough by drinking up Mullen tea which loosen trapped mucus and soothes sore throats.