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Martial Law in Mindanao for 60 days was declared by Duterte

Martial Law in Mindanao for 60 days was declared by Duterte (4th UPDATE) President Rodrigo Duterte cuts short his trip to Russia, as Maute Group members attack Marawi City in Mindanao MARAWI BURNING. At least 3 separate fires broke out in the city on May 23, 2017, as the gun battle rages between the military and the Maute Group. MOSCOW, Russia (4th UPDATE) – President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law in the island of Mindanao following the attack of the Maute Group in Marawi City.  "As of 10 pm Manila time, he has already declared martial law for the entire island of Mindanao," said Presidential Spokesman Ernesto Abella. "This is possible on the grounds of existence of rebellion because of what is happening in Mindanao," he added. Abella made this announcement on Tuesday, May 23, in Moscow, Russia at around 6:30 pm (11:30 pm Manila time). Martial law will last 60 days, Abella pointed out. Asked if there is already an official document of th