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How to keep your kidney healthy

How To Keep Your Kidney Healthy Very known folk wisdom says “Prevention is better than cure”. Yes that’s right and prevention lies in including a few management tips in your health routine. Here are some tips: Limit the work load on the kidney:  You can achieve this by making certain changes in the diet to lower harmful toxins. It will ensure that the kidney eliminates the harmful, waste ingredients from the blood as well as expels it out from the body through urination. In the course of your day, the entire blood in the body gets strained more than 20-25 times. For this reason, it’s crucial that you decrease the amount of work on the kidney. Drink plenty of fluids:  You have asked yourself why is it essential to have 8-10 glasses of water per day? You can imagine a reservoir with low water levels, which may look dry, dusty, or shallow, with many objects bobbing on the surface that otherwise might be carried off downstream. This grim image is a picture of your bloodstream