What does it mean to be blinded by the truth?
We as humans like to believe that things are certain ways and if things are proving too much not to be, it’s hard for us to process all of the ways that they are, making us in a sense ‘blinded by the truth’ because they can be too much for us to process all at once.
The search for truth is an ongoing process. Sure, a lot of definitive truths are found but in many fields of knowledge we can only speak of temporary truths. When we think about quantum physics, biology, different fields in psychology and sociology, many temporary truths are there to be found. Only replaced by better truths when some creative finds a better truth to work with. So sticking with a certain truth and being blind for further progress in a certain field, one could state he is blinded by the truth.
There are many more examples to give. They all have the same characteristics. An evolving or developing process where everywhere along the line truths are to be found. In a developing truth however every truth is partial and temporarily. Just think of the development of every human being from childhood to adulthood.
So, what does it mean to be blinded by the truth?
You are taught falsehoods all your life and fed virtually nothing but little lies so that others can control you. However, there is Truth in this universe, and you have access to it; but are purposefully led away from it.
When you connect to any one of the Truths of the universe, it stuns you as you have already had an inner connection to what is Truth; when you ‘see’ truth, all of the rest shatters and your normal mind no longer works at trying to put those lies together. all you can ‘see’ is this new Truth. It is primal, but shocks the heck out of you because you simultaneously perceive just how much of what you believed was definitely NOT Truth! In a way, you start to ‘see’ again.
For most of us, we will retreat back into our previous ways and accept living in lies and falsehoods. It feels so much safer and we have so much company. However, there is terrible Karma for those who do so! The pain, then the suffering will be intense!
A few of us, however, never go back. We are coming up on about half a billion humans now living starting to live Love-focused lives, even though many have not yet ‘seen the light’ and however are, in faith and hope, aiming at getting there.
More power to them, rather than those who saw and ran!
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