How to prepare Java Rice
Java Rice is a yellowish to reddish rice that is usually served with grilled or fried main dishes. Not to be mistaken with any rice variation in Indonesia, this Java Rice recipe that we have here is Filipino Style which is suited for the Filipino taste.
When you search for How to prepare Java Rice recipe in the internet, you will see hundreds of recipes with different manner of preparation. Some might be legit while some may be not, the most important thing is that anyone can easily make it and it should taste good. Here, we pride ourselves by giving you the easiest Filipino recipes that anyone can prepare. All of our recipes have been tried and tested.
Whether you are making Chicken Inasal, Chicken Barbecue, or even Skewered Filipino Pork Barbecue, Java Rice is the best kind of rice to serve them with, and this Java rice recipe will show you how. Have I mentioned that this recipe does not involve stove top cooking? All you need to do is mix all the ingredients with hot steamed rice.
Java Rice is a yellowish to reddish rice that is usually served with grilled or fried main dishes. Not to be mistaken with any rice variation in Indonesia, this Java Rice recipe that we have here is Filipino Style which is suited for the Filipino taste.
When you search for How to prepare Java Rice recipe in the internet, you will see hundreds of recipes with different manner of preparation. Some might be legit while some may be not, the most important thing is that anyone can easily make it and it should taste good. Here, we pride ourselves by giving you the easiest Filipino recipes that anyone can prepare. All of our recipes have been tried and tested.
Whether you are making Chicken Inasal, Chicken Barbecue, or even Skewered Filipino Pork Barbecue, Java Rice is the best kind of rice to serve them with, and this Java rice recipe will show you how. Have I mentioned that this recipe does not involve stove top cooking? All you need to do is mix all the ingredients with hot steamed rice.
Java Rice Recipe
5 to 6 cups warm
steamed white rice
1/2 tablespoon
annatto powder
1/4 teaspoon
turmeric powder
3 tablespoons
1 teaspoon garlic
1/2 teaspoon
onion powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Cooking Procedure
1. Melt margarine by using the microwave oven (about 10
2. Combine turmeric and annatto powder. Mix well.
3. Put-in garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. Stir
until everything is distributed.
4. Pour-in mixture on warm steamed rice. Gently mix so
that the rice is coated by the mixture.
5. Serve with Fried Pork Chop and Atchara.
6. Share and enjoy!
Number of servings (yield): 6 My rating 5 stars: ★★★★★
Now you know how to prepare Java Rice.
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